
General Nematodes

Beneficial nematodes, a type of microscopic worm, can be used when there is evidence of pests or plant damage; also they can be used as a preventative to help control damaging pests in organic gardens, on your lawn, or in your home. Use beneficial nematodes anywhere you want to limit the exposure of people, pets, or edible plants to potentially harmful chemicals in conventional pesticides. Beneficial nematodes can be applied anytime the soil is not frozen, and is compatible with all other organic products. Once applied, the beneficial nematodes will begin hunting down the pests in your soil, at soil temperatures at or above 55°F. Larval and adult insects are most susceptible to beneficial nematodes. Beneficial nematodes hunt down insects like no chemical can!

Our nematodes control many pests such as fire ants, weevils, worms, and other pests as detailed below.

*You can mix and match the general nematode and flea exterminator nematodes. Please write how many of each you would like in the above text box. If not specified, we will send the entire pack as the type specified.

All beneficial insects are shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays each week (unless it is a UPS shipping holiday delay). Due to the unpredictable temperatures at shipping warehouses, they can NOT be shipped over the weekend. Any orders received after 12:00 pm PST will be shipped on the following shipping day.

Nematode Treatment Quantities
Treatment area (sq. ft.) Quantity 1 Pt. Containers Use on
285 10 million 1 Small yard
1000 30 million 3 Garden area
5000 170 million 17 Large garden
43000 500 million 50 One acre

Controls Over 230 Pests

Black Vine Weevils - Hoe into soil around plants or add to potting soil
Cabbage Root Maggots - Apply in seed furrows or as a topdressing directly after planting
Corn Rootworms - Apply in seed furrows
Crane Fly Larvae - Apply as a topdressing to lawn
Cucumber Beetles - Apply in seed furrows or as a topdressing directly after planting
Cutworms - Apply as a topdressing to infected area
Fire Ants - Apply to hills according to detailed package instructions
Flea Beetles - Apply in seed furrows or as a topdressing directly after planting
Fungus Gnats - Apply as a topdressing to all indoor potted plants
Gypsy Moths - Apply as a topdressing to lawn or to moist burlap around trees
Iris Borers - Apply as a topdressing around existing plants or around bulbs
Japanese Beetle Grubs - Apply as a topdressing to affected areas of the lawn (526 sq. ft.)
Mole Crickets - Apply as a topdressing to lawn
Onion Maggots - Apply in seed furrows or as a topdressing directly after planting
Pine Weevils - Apply as a topdressing around drip zone or transplant roots
Peach Tree Borers - Apply as a topdressing around trunk of plant
Raspberry Crown Borers - Apply as a topdressing near base of plant
Sad Webworms - Apply as a topdressing to affected areas of lawn (526 sq. ft.)
Strawberry Weevils - Hoe into soil around plants or apply when planting
Thrips - Apply as topdressing weekly (154 sq. ft.)
White Grubs - Apply as a topdressing to affected areas of lawn (526 sq. ft.)
Wireworms - Apply as a topdressing when planting

To apply, mix the contents of the package into water, following package directions. Use when air temperature is between 40° F to 85° F. Soil temperatures (at 2" depth) should be above 40° F and below 85° F.


To apply:
• Apply at dusk if possible
• Add contents to 2 gal. cold water and mix for 1 minute
• Allow, vermiculite, carrier to float to the surface, approximately 30 minutes
• Skim carrier off the water with strainer and spread carrier in your garden or containers
(some nematodes are still present)
• Stir mixture again and add to sprayer REMOVING sprayer filters
• Pre-water area
• Gently shake sprayer as you apply with a coarse spray
• Water again to wash the nematodes off of the foliage
• Can be sprayed directly into bore holes in trees/bushes
• Keep soil moist through regular watering every 3-5 days

Best temperatures to apply: Air temperature from 40° F to 85° F. Soil temperatures (at 2" depth) should be above 40° F and below 85° F.


1. Add 1 cup cold water to nematode container.

2. Allow to sit for 30 minutes at room temperature.

3. Moisten 5 quarts of peat moss, vermiculite, or potting soil with 2 quarts of water.

4. Add contents of the nematode container to moist mixture.

5. Rinse nematode container out with half a cup of water into the mixture.

6. Gently mix until nematode container contents are evenly distributed.

7. Treatment:

A. Apply at dusk if possible.

B. Water area to be treated if not moist.

C. Applying:

i. Topdressing:

a. Distribute mixture by hand. Concentrate on infested areas and around plants.

ii. Transplants and Seeding Application:

a. Apply mixture above and below seeds or transplant's roots.

b. Seeds: treats 1140 feet of 3 inch furrows.

c. Transplants: treats 285 plants spaced 4 inches apart.

D. Water after application.


1. Add 1 cup cold water to beneficial nematode container and allow to sit for 30 minutes.
2. Combine beneficial nematodes with 1 to 5 gallons cold water in a watering can with
rosette removed. Optional: Thoroughly stir in two tablespoons creamy peanut butter
to the cold water to increase effectiveness and attract fire ants outside the colony.
3. Caution: Steps 4 and 5 should be completed quickly, then immediately leave area.
4. Pre-water colony to be treated by pouring one gallon cold water down the cone.
5. While swirling watering can, pour 1/10th of the mixture down the middle of the cone .
Beneficial nematodes will either penetrate and kill the fire ant queens or kill so many workers the colony will starve.

STORAGE: Refrigerate at 38°F to retain full potency.
DO NOT FREEZE. Potency can be lost if container is held above 84°F.

NOTICE: Northwest Beneficials makes no warranty express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for any particular purpose concerning this material, except those contained on the product packaging.

Northwest Beneficials produces, packages, and distributes beneficial organisms and beneficial products used for natural pest control. NW Beneficials is built on the principles of family and cultivating a healthy planet and future for generations to come. We do not exaggerate effective application rates. Our advertised application rates are based on either our research or research conducted by reputable institutes.


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