
Green Lacewings

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Green lacewings are a delicate insect that must be shipped directly to you (within the continental United States). They are great natural predators that control many sap sucking pests.

Eggs hatch within 2-5 days into their hungry larval form and attack aphids, spider mites and other soft bodied pest insects. They can eat dozens of pests per day as a larva. The adults will lay eggs throughout the gardening season, continuing the cycle. An information and release instruction sheet will arrive with your order.

Application Rate: 1,000 eggs will treat 200 - 400 sq. ft. For best results, use three applications, two weeks apart.

All beneficial insects are shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays each week (unless it is a UPS shipping holiday delay). Due to the unpredictable temperatures at shipping warehouses, they can NOT be shipped over the weekend. Any orders received after 12:00 pm PST will be shipped on the following shipping day.

green lacewing pupae Green Lacewing Larvae


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